Saturday, June 7, 2008

She Fell Through The Plot Hole

Jinx had her own corner of the holding cell.

In front of her bunk, a huge bruiser of a man lay on the floor with his hands clasped over his head, sobbing. He was remembering every bad thing he had ever done.

The other six prisoners in the holding cell were backed into the opposite corner, and looked at Jinx with a mixture of fear and respect. A guard came to the door, and triggered the lock. "Jinx Bubastis --"

He stopped as he saw the man crying on the floor. "What did you--"

"I didn't lay a finger on him."

The guard reached for his sidearm as Jinx approached the door. "Put that away. I've played nice with you guys. Someone wants to see me?"

The guard moved his hand from his holster and eyed Jinx warily. "Yeah. Right this way."

Jinx turned to the other prisoners. "Toodles, assholes."

As they walked down the hallway, the guard talked a little with Jinx. "Your visitor is someone important. They just spent half an hour chewing out my boss for putting you into gen pop."

"He wanted to humiliate me. Your boss is really into humiliation."

The guard did not respond. They walked down the hall in silence.

The guard gestured towards a door, and they stopped in front of it. Jinx turned towards the guard. "Take care of yourself." The guard held a card up to the electronic lock, and the door opened automatically. Jinx walked into the room.

A woman sat at the table, dressed in a gray business suit. Her fur was glossy black, and her golden eyes locked with Jinx's as she stood up and extended her hand.

Jinx accepted her hand, shook, and sat down across from her. "Pleased to meet you, Ms. Bubastis. My name is Lilandra Verisal, and I'm glad you've decided to accept our offer. Before we begin, I have some questions I need to ask you."

Jinx nodded. "All right."

Lilandra took a small tablet from her suit coat pocket and gestured at the device. "What role did you serve in the terrorist cell called M-Seven?"

"I was responsible for obtaining parts and munitions for the fighter fleet and provisioning the fire control systems."

Lilandra pushed the tablet towards Jinx. A list of star-ship registry data filled the small screen. "Please review this list -- are these the ships you attacked carrying out this mission?"

Jinx looked carefully at the list, scrolling around a little. "Yes, this looks complete."

"What role did you play in planning the attack?"

"I was given a laundry list of parts to obtain -- there were a number of components that could not be manufactured on Suburbia -- and told to keep an eye out for usable munitions. Demonslayer's main requirement was that the weapons have a radioactive payload. Once I obtained the bombs, I was tasked with preparing the fire control systems."

"I see. There were a large number of people involved in the conspiracy. Were you given any responsibility for routine operations?"

"Demonslayer would provide work details to help me unload captured cargo ships. It seemed to be some kind of forced labor arrangement for people who were discipline problems. Lots of drunks and druggies. She told them I was the devil, so they were all terrified of me. Other than that, I was mostly on my own."

"Did you have any contact with Rrmu Kelbakika?"


"Red Menace. Young woman with electromagnetic powers?"

"No. I only ever saw her together with Demonslayer. She didn't look very happy."

"We captured her shortly after the attack. She indicated that she would be willing to defect."

Jinx's facial expression did not change. "She's pretty powerful. I didn't have much to do with her. I think she'd know more about the operations on Suburbia."

"Yes. We're hoping so. Please wait here, I need to talk to our lawyers." Lilandra walked out of the room, leaving Jinx sitting at the table.

Jinx leaned back in the plastic chair and waited. Her face was an expressionless mask. Her eyes scanned the room, and her head turned towards the far corner of the room. She pretended there was a hidden camera there, and stared into it's possibly non-existent lens with a neutral expression meant to be nonchalant while suggesting that she wasn't having any fun at all.

She held this expression for quite some time.

Lilandra returned and sat down at the table.

"Ms. Bubastis?"


"First, thank you for your honest and accurate answers to our questions. Ms. Kelbakika and our own investigations have confirmed the correctness and completeness of your deposition. Now, for some bad news -- "

Lilandra looked at Jinx with a appraising eye. Jinx did her best to maintain her neutral expression.

"-- the Corporation is not prepared to offer you immunity to prosecution at this time. However, my working group is authorized to offer you a temporary position on a contract basis." Lilandra took her tablet from her pocket and pushed it towards Jinx.

"If you accept, and faithfully carry out your obligations, I may be able to convince Legal not to pursue further punitive actions against you. Please take a moment to review the terms and conditions." Lilandra gestured towards the tablet.

Jinx took the tablet and tried not to shake. She paged down a few times. "An escort mission?"

"Yes. Well outside Corporate space. Please note the non-disclosure clauses."

Jinx read, and put the tablet down.

"You have twenty--"

"I'll do it."

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